Our Wedding MC is a service experience like no other.
As your Wedding MC, we direct your day, ensuring that everything is running smoothly and how you want it to. It’s a combination of a being a Wedding Planner, Event Co-ordinator and Master of Ceremonies all in one, working with everyone on the day & evening.
- We bring your party to life, engage with the audience and orchestrate your special activities.
- We’ll still sit down with you prior to the event and plan exactly how you want the day/night to go.
- We’ll invoke emotion & laughter, creating the perfect mood and atmosphere for you and your guests to enjoy.
- We’ll listen to your ideas and your vision, and use our talents to match, and execute our vibe and make your vision become a reality.
The service also includes bringing life to your party, getting the audience up and dancing, encouraging engagement amongst your guests, as well as orchestrating any activities (such as fun games and surprise guests/surprise messages) you have planned.
Prior planning and in depth discussions with you will enable us to capture and create the exact mood and atmosphere you want your guests (and yourselves) to experience throughout this special occasion, invoking all the right emotions as the day/night goes on.
While we are more than happy to provide our personal thoughts, opinions and advice based off our experiences, you won’t find any forceful approaches here. We’ll listen to your ideas and your vision, and use our talents to match your vibe and make that vision become a reality. We’ll provide guidance when needed, but let you take the reigns to plan your perfect day.

Do you need a Wedding MC?
Weddings are an important time in your life and there is alot of planning that goes into them.
And that’s where we come in. When you think about the planning and details that you put into a wedding there are so many variables. The Venue, the Location, the Dress, the Music, your Guests coming, your Table Settings, your Cake, the list goes on and on.
And when it comes to the execution of it all working together you need someone that is going to be familiar with how a wedding runs.
I’ve seen so many things go wrong at Weddings, and they could of easily have been avoided. But the problem is usually a family friend, relative or guest, doesn’t have a lot of experience because they dont regularly attend weddings.
And as a Wedding MC, (…and DJ) my role is one where it works with everyone to ensure everything flows correctly and minimizing any risks. I do it almost every weekend, at various venues and locations across Brisbane, Sunshine Coast & the Gold Coast and I have come to known many people, venues and suppliers and how they work – so with all that experience it allows me to make your wedding successful.
I also draw heavily on emotion, and drama (in a good way!) to set the scene, the feeling, the mood, that best reflects the couple.
Speaking at the right time, pausing at the right time. Letting people know what to do, where to go, or how to even make a speech at the last minute. I’m not saying there’s nothing wrong with getting a family friend to be your MC. But you want to make sure you choose someone who has experience with these types of events.
If you want to know more, just ask and I’d be happy to explain and show you just what I do.
You will walk away with a much more deeper understanding of what I can do.
Meetings & Appointments
We generally make our appointments/consultations at a nearby Coffee Club halfway, or alternatively we can also do Skype or Zoom (Online Meetings) to discuss your requirements.
Client Meetings are usually held on Tuesday’s & Wednesdays after 5:00pm.
Online Meetings can be made during the week in the afternoon, Monday – Thursday subject to availability.